This afternoon, Sangamon County declared a Level 2 Weather Emergency, indicating roads are very dangerous due to snow accumulation and drifting, and emergency crews may experience difficulties reaching stranded motorists. Illinois State Police are describing area roads as "extremely dangerous", and multiple government and medical offices, schools, and other services are closing early with most planning to remain closed on Thursday.

With as much as twice the amount of snow already on the ground expected to fall between this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon, continuing hazardous conditions, and roads and sidewalks expected to take some time to clear, SMTD is suspending all service through Thursday, February 3rd. While we never want to suspend service, conditions warrant doing so Thursday for the safety of our passengers, our employees, and any drivers and emergency personnel that have to be out tomorrow.

SMTD will re-evaluate roads late Thursday and early Friday morning, but we plan to begin regular schedules Friday morning with the exception of Urbanized Area service to Chatham, Riverton, Rochester, and Sherman, which we plan to resume Monday. Updates will be posted on the website and social media as necessary. We apologize for any inconvenience, and we hope everyone stays safe and warm.


Update 8AM: Due to worsening weather conditions, SMTD will suspend service with the last trip leaving the transfer center at 9am and last trip out of junction circle at 8:45am. All passengers should catch the next available bus if they need SMTD transportation home today. Further announcements about Thursday service will be made later today.

Sangamon Mass Transit District (SMTD) announced today they plan to begin operating on snow routes Wednesday morning in anticipation of several inches of snow predicted overnight by the National Weather Service. Staff will assess conditions early in the morning to determine the need for any delays or cancellations, but SMTD will begin the day on snow routes.

SMTD’s snow routes can be seen at . Some snow routes can be significantly different than regular routes. So, if residents must travel, SMTD encourages any riders to check the maps to make sure they can get to their route.

SMTD is also canceling its Urbanized Area Service to Chatham, Riverton, Rochester, and Sherman Wednesday. In addition to significant snowfall, forecasts call for substantial wind gusts which could lead to drifting snow, and SMTD anticipates those communities working to clear streets on Wednesday.

SMTD’s office on 9th Street will be closed to the public Wednesday with only operations staff reporting to work and administration employees equipped to work from home doing so.

As long as fixed route service is operating, scheduled Access Paratransit passengers will be picked up if vehicles can get to their buildings and sidewalks are passable.

SMTD will decide on Wednesday afternoon what Thursday service will look like in Springfield and in the surrounding Urbanized Area communities, and they caution passengers to only travel Wednesday if absolutely necessary.


The National Weather Service has issued a winter weather advisory for 6 PM on Friday the 14th through 12 noon on Saturday the 15th. Snow accumulations of 3 to 5 inches are expected which could make some roads hazardous for travel. Some routes may need to reduce service to their alternate snow route until roads are cleared.


With construction of the Springfield-Sangamon County Transportation Center in full swing, the next few years will involve substantial changes to the city of Springfield and, as a result, the SMTD bus system. Underpasses between 9th Street and 11th Street at Carpenter, Ash, and Laurel have been completed but more construction lies ahead, and bus routes will need to continually adapt to the shifting landscape. January of 2022 will include service modifications on the 10th and the 24th.


New fareboxes will be in service on all SMTD vehicles starting on Monday, August 23rd. They may look a bit more complicated than before, but they are in fact easy to use and will be more useful to passengers going forward.


“On Our Radar” is intended to give interested members of the community a little insight into SMTD projects very close to implementation as well as items we want to get to but maybe not as quickly as other priorities.

AuthorSteve Schoeffel